Wednesday 8 October 2008

Start of University Life!

Since this is my first EVER blog, you guys will have to bare with me for a couple of 'blog' attempts. The main reason that I'm doing this is for my Introduction of Professional Writing module which I started last week.

My first week at the University of Derby has been eventful but maybe not as strange as I first thought it would be. It could because I'm still living at home so allot of my personal life hasnt changed much, its just a longer drive to where I'm getting my education! Mind you I suppose that all I've had is introductions really so far has helped a fair bit on my time keeping etc...

I finally got my UDO Login yesterday after finishing Media History module, it was easier than I expected it too be. All I needed to do was to twaltz into the Library and ask for my password to be set up. and Ka-Ching - I can log into UDO. Anyway I cant think of much else for you fellow bloggers to learn about my week so far. I'll update this at the next interesting point this week!
